How does snapping a neck kill you
How does snapping a neck kill you

how does snapping a neck kill you

Herniated vertebral disc (bulging disc) may cause two neighboring vertebrae (bones of the spine) to lie closely together and rub against each other upon quick movement.Gas bubbles within any joint fluid can also cause this snapping noise. It is a result of a a force causing a temporary vacuum within the joint, which then collapses and causes a clicking noise. Cavitation is a common term used by chiropractors and the cracking sound you may hear when having a chiropractic adjustment.

how does snapping a neck kill you

By attempting to move your head in the opposite direction, against the pull of the spasm, a clicking sound may be heard. The spasm causes the muscle to ‘shorten’ and pull on the bones of the spine (vertebral column). This is commonly one-sided but can occur on both sides of the neck and back. Usually the strain on the vertebrae is caused by spasm (knots or cramps) of the trapezius muscle of the back or the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the neck. Most cases of a clicking neck are harmless but indicates a progressing condition, if the clicking noise can be repeated with every tilt or twist of the head. What causes a cracking neck sound? Causes of a Clicking Neck

How does snapping a neck kill you